Cigarette Free at Last!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Welcome to my Blog! Our little corner of the World!

Well, I finally took the advice of a very good friend, Lynn and started a blog! I hope many of you will visit often and feel free to add to the conversations! Please feel free to add recipes, other blogs to follow, ideas, tips and tricks or just something you'd like to add.

We can discuss religion, politics, gardening, cooking, hobbies, books, movies, you name it! Just keep it clean and keep it civil! If you find an interesting idea or website you think will fit here, feel free to share it! I'm looking forward to what lies ahead in the future for this blog!

Welcome friends! New and old! I'm really excited!! Feel free to follow my on Facebook if you don't already: and on Twitter: @LilRdVet2. Happy blogging everyone! Ready? Set! BLOG!!


  1. I think I will find this thoroughly enjoyable. Lynn

  2. Greeting my courageous and beautiful friend...Finally, your own special space...Enjoy this new venture. Chris H.

  3. Thank you both! I'm excited!! We should have a lot of fun here!

  4. Hi Selina. I'm excited to see you start a blog.

  5. Thanks Ed!! I am too! I've got so many ideas! Add anything you'd like!


Keep it clean, Keep it civil! Have fun!