Cigarette Free at Last!!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Oh look! I've been up to something!! :)

Oh look! I've been up to something, again!! Vanilla extract and vanilla sugar has commenced! Begin the countdown! :) (due to the time it takes to mature, some may ship prior to completion!)

Madagascar bourbon vanilla beans from France...I got 30 on eBay for $17 including shipping... :)
Madagascar bourbon vanilla beans from France...they smell yummy!

My base is 80 proof vodka...for some reason the "cheap" stuff seems to make the best extracts... :)

Made it right in the little bottles...I think these are 6oz... :)

Vanilla sugar...the bean will remain when complete, so it can be used to make more by the recipients... :)

I put a bean, cut in half and sliced down the middle (not all the way through) in each bottle, so when it's empty, it can be refilled and started again by the recipients...I'll give them a shake every few days...I made a couple extra for myself and for my son's house...and also so I can see the progress... :)

Made a couple extra for myself and my son's house, too! :)

Finished product, will give them a shake every few days... :)

 I'll post more pictures as they progress over the next few weeks! :)