Cigarette Free at Last!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013


GUESS WHAT?! As of today?...I am 70 days cigarette free!...I am SO over smoking cigarettes and this is how I know...On October 13th, I work up from a very vivid dream and posted it on my FB page:

OMG!...I had the weirdest dream!...I dreamed that a friend took me to a special event where Bill Gates would be speaking...we went through all kinds of crazy security to get to the area where the meeting was being was sort of like an auditorium style seating in an outdoor area, but still enclosed...I noticed that I knew a bunch of people sitting at a special table down in front...I went down to say hello and was invited to sit with turned out to be a birthday celebration...Bill came out with a bunch of other people and they were all sitting at a long table about to hold the discussion when they realized the people sitting at the table were old friends celebrating a birthday...he got up and invited a few of them to the back room...I figured they'd be a while, so I got up and was going to see if there was anywhere to go vape/smoke...then I realized I didn't have one with me and my friend lent me hers and told me how to get outside through a side, I went outside and was vaping and looking all around and thinking I wish I had my camera or my phone so I could take I was going back inside, a man, who appeared to be wet, like he just got out of the shower or has been swimming, approached me and asked me if he could borrow my computer...I was like "I don't live here, I'm just here as a guest, my computer is about 5 hours from here"...he's walking along with me and I'm thinking "why is this guy all wet? very odd" I approach the door to go back in, I tell him he shouldn't be here unless he was invited and I go inside...I take the vapor back to my friend and head back to my friends when I see the guy standing by the door and I think "I should let security know what happened"...I try to act like nothing is wrong and that I don't see the guy, but now he's dry and dressed differently than he was just a few minutes before...I turn to go find security when a guy walks out in a military style uniform with a helmet and a headset on...I tell him about the guy and suddenly, the guy starts walking toward the stage area...I notice he has a huge knife and what appears to be a suicide bomber vest strapped to his chest and I point to the guy and say "that's him! HE HAS A KNIFE AND BOMBS!"...the guard chase him and begins shooting and I start freaking out and I'm thinking as I'm running "All that training in security all these years just paid off!"...I run back up to where my friend is to tell her what is happening and she's chaos friend is gone and I start getting suspicious and start looking around...I was crying and screaming he had a bomb!...then I woke up! was crazy!!...the most interesting part of that dream?...I wasn't smoking cigarettes...that means that they are no longer a part of who I am anymore...

The following post won me a free bottle of e-juice: 

I was a smoker for over 30 mother died from smoking, my grandmother died from smoking and I was doomed to smoke on my death bed I was so hooked on cigarettes...I tried everything to quit and I do mean EVERYTHING, I was a hardcore smoker!...a friend knew I was trying to find something, anything to help me quit and was always after me to try vaping, that's how he, finally I just got a wild hair and decided it was now or never and went and got a starter kit, I didn't even pick a quit date, I just did it!...I needed something the was the same as smoking, tasted like smoking and addressed my severe nicotine addition...I quit cigarettes the first day and it was painless and anxiety free...I had a half a pack of cigarettes in my car and 7 new packs in a carton...I took a couple of hits off a cigarette at the end of day two to see what the difference in taste and feel was and almost gagged...I gave away all of my cigarettes that day and haven't touched a cigarette in 66 days...I started at 18mg and stepped down to 11mg on day is my goal to be nicotine free by New Years...I don't wear my vapor on a lanyard because I don't want to be tied to it the same way I was chained to cigarettes for so long, but it's there when I need it...I like smoking, but it's bad for you (vaping doesn't have all those harmful tars and chemicals), I'm addicted to nicotine and needed to wean off, the same way I started my addiction...with vaping, I can step all the way down to 0mg and still "smoke" if I want to (I might try some of the candy flavors when I'm off nicotine, LOL)...I'm stepping down every two large bottles of liquid and I've noticed that I don't use as much nicotine vaping as I did when I was smoking cigarettes, 58 days I would have smoked about 116 packs of cigarettes, but I only vaped the equivalent of 90 packs of cigarettes...those 116 packs would have cost me around $460, vaping 90 packs cost me around $95 (including my initial investment in the kit and two large bottles of liquid), you do the math!...cigarettes had been my "friend" when no one else was...I even had a few drinks and didn't want a cigarette...I'm losing my home to foreclosure and going through a really tough time and I haven't even wanted the first cigarette...I even dreamed I was vaping, instead of smoking (that's how I knew I was no longer a smoker)...the best part of all, because this mimics smoking, I haven't replaced cigarettes with food and haven't gained the first ounce!...I'm here to tell you cigarettes are not your friend...start vaping and get free once and for all...good luck and best for me?...I will NOT be smoking on my death bed...and for the record, I still go outside, same as I did when I was a smoker, out of respect...♥

So...if you are still smoking and want to quit? on my ad for Halo ecigs and get your starter kit TODAY!...stop wasting precious time and QUIT! Just do it!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Stanley Clan: An Actual Update of Some Sort

The Stanley Clan: An Actual Update of Some Sort: I realize it has been a while since I posted. I also realize that this phenomenon occurs regularly; however, this time it was on purpose. ...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

What's wrong with the world today?

What's wrong with the world? I AM!...I'm going to try to change that, starting TODAY!...join me on my journey... I AM

Be the change that is right with the world: I AM THE CHANGE

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blackfish Official Film Site

Blackfish Official Film Site

Live Stream | Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project

Live Stream | Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project

This is a LIVE stream from Taiji, Japan...where they slaughter dolphins or take them captive for Marine Parks like SeaWorld...THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!! SPREAD THE WORD TO THE WORLD!! Watch and Share the movie The Cove and then come watch and support the people trying to end this despicable practice!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

I am now cigarette FREE! Thanks to eCigarettes!

Hello! I know, I know! It's been a while since I've been able to post anything! My apologies! But, I come with great news! As of August 10, 2013, I am now cigarette FREE! Thanks to a good friend pushing and prodding and stay after me to quit, I finally did it!

He kept telling me to stop wasting my time with all these different quit smoking programs and things like gums and patches. They never worked for me! If there is a way to quit smoking cigarettes? Trust me, I've tried it and failed EVERY time! But not this time! This time I quit by using electronic cigarettes and not those kind you buy at the convenience store. They just didn't have enough nicotine in them to keep me away from real cigarettes. So, I tried "vapor" electronic cigarettes! They have a liquid that you "smoke" that contains nicotine. It comes in different levels so you can choose what works for you.

I started out using 18mg liquid that tastes exactly like the cigarettes I was smoking. Some people vape different flavors and love it. I needed something that tasted like and mimicked smoking and addressed my nicotine addiction. Most people are not addicted to smoking. We're addicted to nicotine and all of those products out there don't have the amount of nicotine we need to actually finally walk away from cigarettes. We're also conditioned to the "hand to mouth" motion of smoking, this addresses that, as well.

I got the starter kit which included two tanks, two batteries, a USB charger, a wall charger, a nice case and a small bottle of liquid. Each of the small bottles equals about 15 packs of cigarettes and costs around $6 with tax. Think about that for a moment...a carton (10 packs) costs between $35 and $55! So, if this worked for you, how much money would that save you? The starter kit cost me less than what I would have paid for two cartons of cigarettes. You know what I figured out? I wasn't "smoking" (or vaping as they call it) as much as I was when I was using cigarettes! This is what one of the ecigs I'm using looks like, it's about 5 1/2" long and about a big around as a dime. I got the MyStart 1300 starter kit:

Then about a week later, I found a video on youtube of a guy vaping on one about the size of a 100 cigarette. What I liked about it, was that it had the tank for the liquid and was light-weight, unlike those kind you buy at the convenience store. Even better, it was really inexpensive and fits in my pocket as easy as a ballpoint pen! So, I bought a couple of them:

Nice, huh? And! I can use them for several hours before they need to be charged. So they're perfect for use while I work my part time job. So, when I go to break, it's right there in my pocket when I go outside to "smoke". Don't get me wrong, the other one fits in my pocket, too. But this one is just more convenient for the amount of time I need to use it.

I liked this one so much that I became an affiliate! So, if you'd like to quit smoking cigarettes and stop putting all that poison in your body, go here:  (I'll make a nice little commission for helping others do what I did!)

They have several different types you may like or want to try. The smaller one above, is the least expensive way to see if vaping is for you. (I got two G6 mini tanks, two G6 78mm automatic batteries, a USB charger and a mobile charger. They all fit into the case I have for my other eCigs.) Once I started vaping, I haven't touched another cigarette. I had a half a pack of cigarettes and 7 packs in a carton that I gave away two days later. I didn't even consider "finishing" them up. I bought the bigger bottle of liquid a week later for about $11, because it is equal to 45 packs of cigarettes. That's 4 and a half cartons of cigarettes for $11!! Do that math on that one! I use it to fill my smaller bottle and have only done that once since I started!

I also found out that you can clean the tanks! You don't have to buy new ones every two weeks. They're just trying to sell you stuff if they tell you, otherwise. It's really easy, too! My goal is to step down from 18mg of nicotine to 0mgs by New Years. I want to be completely free of my nicotine addiction. I'm going to drop down a level each time I buy a bottle of liquid. How interesting is it that you could still "smoke" and not have any nicotine addiction? Like I said, a lot of people vape different flavors and there are a LOT of them! I'm thinking of trying a few of them myself!

So if you have wanted to quit smoking or you've tried a thousand times like I have? What do you have to lose by trying one more thing? I smoked for over 30 years and THIS is the only thing that EVER worked for me! If you try it, come back and tell me about your experience! I'M SO EXCITED TO FINALLY BE FREE FROM CIGARETTES!! I'm on my way to being free from nicotine!


Monday, June 3, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Homemade Dog Treats

Here are some easy and yummy treats to make at home. No processed ingredients like you'd find in the store bought stuff!

2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup white flour
1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup wheat germ
1/2 cup barbeque sauce
2 tablespoon honey
3 tablespoons oil
1 egg
1/2 cup water
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Combine the dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, mix barbeque sauce, honey, oil, egg, water. Add to dry ingredients. Roll dough to 1/4 inch thick and cut into 3 to 4 inch pieces. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 25 minutes at 350 F. Makes 2 1/2 dozen cookies.
Beg-for-more Peanut Butter Treats
2 tablespoons oil
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 cup water
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/2 cups white flour
Preheat the oven to 350 F. Combine oil, peanut butter and water. Add flour, one cup at a time, forming a dough. Knead dough into firm ball and roll to 1/4 inch thickness. Cut into 3 to 4 inch pieces. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 F for 20 minutes. Makes 2 1/2 dozen cookies.
Chick'N Fingers
2 1/2 cups white flour
3/4 cup yellow cornmeal
1/4 cup chopped chicken
1 cup chicken broth
4 tablespoons softened margarine
1 egg
2 T milk
Preheat oven to 325 F. Combine flour, cornmeal, chicken, chicken broth and margarine. Form into a soft dough and knead for 3 minutes. Roll dough to 1/4 inch thickness and cut into 3 to 4 inch finger shapes. Beat egg and milk together and apply to top of biscuits with brush. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 325 F for 35 minutes. Makes 24 fingers.
Spicy Treat-balls
2/3 cup whole wheat flour
1/3 cup white flour
1/2 cup bran
1/2 cup brewers yeast
1/4 cup wheat germ
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
3 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons corn oil
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, beat honey, corn oil, egg and milk. Gradually add mixture to dry ingredients to form a dough. Form into 1-inch balls and bake at 350 F on an ungreased cookie sheet for 15 minutes. Makes 18 balls.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Soup for One recipes

Yesterday, I was searching for some recipes for "one"...especially soup or anything I could microwave...I ran across a couple of ideas and this is what I came up with...I got everything I needed for less than $20 and I used coupons, too...I was able to measure everything out to make 6 individual chicken noodle soups, 6 vegetable beef soups and 4 potato soups...I put everything into sandwich sized zip lock bags and put them in the freezer...I made one of the vegetable beef soups for lunch and it tasted like I spent all day on it and it only took about 10 minutes to cook and I didn't have to add any salt or pepper!...(I tried the potato soup the next day and it was yummy!)...enjoy! (I already had cheese, milk, bacon bits, dried parsley flakes, dried celery flakes and dried minced onion. The bouillon granules were cheaper in the Hispanic section where I found the noodles.)

Chicken Noodle Soup
Divide the following ingredients into 6 zip lock sandwich bags:

1- 7oz bag of Moderna Fideo noodles (with the Hispanic foods) You can use egg noodles if you prefer
1- small bag of Tyson Ready Grill Chicken Breast strips (cut into small cubes)
1 - snack size carrot, celery and broccoli veggie tray (slice celery and baby carrots thinly and place about a teaspoon in each bag, eat the broccoli and dip while you work, LOL)
Place 1 teaspoon of chicken bouillon granules in each bag
Sprinkle a little parsley flakes on top.
Seal bag and freeze until ready to use.

To cook, add 1 and 1/2 cups of water, bring to a boil and then simmer until noodles are done. Enjoy!

Vegetable Beef soup
Divide the following ingredients into 6 zip lock sandwich bags:

1 - 16 oz. bag of frozen mixed veggies (I got the ones with the green beans)
1 - 20 oz. bag of Simply Potatoes, diced potatoes and onions (in the dairy section, by the eggbeaters)
*I only added about 10 potatoes to each bag. I saved the rest for the potato soup.
1- small bag of Tyson Ready Grill Seasoned Steak strips (cut into small pieces)
Place 1 teaspoon of beef bouillon granules in each bag
Sprinkle a little parsley flakes and dried minced onion on top.
Seal bag and freeze until ready to use.

To cook, add 1 and 1/2 cups of water, bring to a boil and then simmer until veggies are done to your likeness. Enjoy!

Potato soup
Divide the following ingredients into 4 zip lock sandwich bags:

1 - 20 oz. bag of Simply Potatoes, diced potatoes and onions (in the dairy section, by the eggbeaters)
*if you don't make the vegetable beef soup, you can probably make 2 extra bags of potato soup
Place one teaspoon of chicken bouillon granules in each bag.
Sprinkle a little dried parsley flakes, dried celery flakes and dried minced onion on top.
Seal bag and freeze until ready to use.

To cook, add 1 cup of water, bring to a boil and then simmer until potatoes are done. Add 1/2 a cup of milk or cream and a little butter or margarine (I used about a tablespoon), do not boil, simmer a few more minutes. Remove from heat and garnish with shredded cheddar cheese and bacon bits, if you like. You can mash the potatoes to thicken the soup if you'd like. Enjoy!