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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Gardening in small spaces...

I'm really interested in gardening in small spaces. Lately, I've found an interest in wanting to "live off the grid" without having to live 50 miles from nowhere. I'm a city girl and just couldn't adjust to living that far out of the city. But, I know there's a way to have the best of both worlds, so I'm on a mission to do just that as we speak.

I have a fairly large yard, that has a lot of space to do a variety of food and flower gardening. I have full sun sides, full shade sides and a happy medium side where my house is located. I have plenty of space to install a full food garden in my back yard, but would rather keep it simple and on a smaller scale. For some reason, I just like the way it would look. Problem is, I don't have a green thumb, so I could really use some tips on how to be a successful gardener. Also, I don't really have an eye for decorating, so I need help in that area, too. I want my gardens, food and flowers, to be pleasing to the eye as well.

I tend to research things before I start them. I've run across some great ideas, lately.  Probably one of the best ideas is how to use things I already have as containers to grow things in. They won't take up much space and can really add to the eye appeal. Here are a few examples of things I've found:

What ideas have you run across?

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