Cigarette Free at Last!!

Monday, April 17, 2017

My new "lemonade"...WOW!

WOW! I ran across something this weekend that is amazing! I had never heard of barley water, but OMGosh! It is so good! It's really easy to make and is supposed to be really good for you, too! It's my new lemonade! I just made a batch and poured it over ice and boy is it good!

It's supposed to have a lot of health benefits, too:

Barely Water Benefits and Recipe
(there's a different recipe on this link)

Here's the recipe I used:

Barley Water Recipe

1.   Rinse the barley well.
2.   Cover barley in a pot with cold water & bring to the boil, drain.
3.   Return barley to saucepan with the lemon rind & 10 cups water, cook slowly for 1 hour.
4.   Add the lemon juice & sugar and stir until sugar has dissolved.
5.   Strain and chill to serve.
6.   Discarded barley can be mixed with some dried fruit & nuts and warm milk and makes a great breakfast.

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